Fred Prior, PhD.
Technical Director, Cancer Imaging Informatics Lab

Fred Prior, Ph.D. is Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Professor of Radiology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Dr. Prior has extensive R&D experience in industry and academia, focused on the design of advanced medical information management and imaging technologies. He has held senior management positions in a variety of R&D environments ranging from Silicon Valley startups to major multi-national corporations in the US and Europe.
Dr. Prior’s research interests include cancer informatics, radiomics, and neuroimaging informatics. He serves as principal investigator and director of the US National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Imaging Archive project and is the lead PI of an NCI ITCR team exploring the integration of radiomics and pathomics. In 2021 Dr. Prior’s team joined a consortium of European colleagues to successfully compete for a Horizon 2020 award from the EU to develop a platform for distributed data management and machine learning to advance precision medicine in oncology.
Dr. Prior directs informatics efforts for the UAMS Translational Research Institute and Pediatric Clinical Trial Network. He is an associate editor of several leading scientific journals, and a reviewer for numerous scientific and engineering journals as well as U.S. and European funding agencies. He is the author of over 150 scientific publications and holds 6 US and international patents.
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